about education will be never end. There are so many something new that attract
to be discussed. We talk some case while Mr. Marsigit’s course, and we just
admire him a lot just because of his reasonableness. How he can face the
problems wisely. Well, there are some topics that we learn at that time, and I will
tell you one by one. First we discuss about
formal education. Does formal education affect the quality of our life? It is
parable container and its contain. We are as the container, then knowledge that
we get from formal education is a contain. So however we just can’t free from
formal education. Then, another problem will talk about method of learning. The
most important thing that we should to realize that every grade of student have
their own method. As educators we should to know how to treat elementary,
junior high school, or senior high school they are, because the method will
determine the learning process will be success or not. After that, educators
must have innovative way during learning process. Since traditional way
considered can’t make the students explore them self. They just wait for
teacher explanation. In innovative way, educators suggested to give freedom for
students to develop their skill. Educators facilitate what students need, then
control what have the students done in order to make students not
misconception. In other problem, there is a question, it’s ok if teacher
determine the student’s style when they get study? As a wise educators, we
don’t need to determine that. Why? Each student have their style, they have
their own comfortable zone during they study, so actually educator don’t have
any authority to determine how the students study. It is horrible enough when
students are forced to study with certain style, because students will not be
comfortable, then they tend to be afraid during the study. When students are
not comfortable, or even they feel afraid during they study, it will make the
student’s intuition lost. And when students don’t have any intuition, they will
difficult to learn something. So, what we have to do as the next educators is
how to create interesting and meaningful learning process so that can explore
the student’s skill well.
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